What is Guest Posting & 5 Ways to Guest Post

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What is Guest Posting & 5 Ways to Guest Post, One of the techniques that has taken on a buzz over recent years in circles which revolve around digital marketing is guest posting. So, what is guest posting — and why does it work so well? Quite simply, guest posting is publishing posts — in other words writing and then submitting them to be posted elsewhere on the internet.

What is Guest Posting & 5 Ways to Guest Post

This is something that can be implemented in order to get more visibility, better backlinks and establish the authority as a known figure in an industry. Today we explain what guest posting is and give you 5 tips on how to do it right.

What is Guest Posting?

Guest blogging refers to content you create that gets posted on a site or blog other than yours. Bloggers adapting this trick, influencers using it to outreach more audiences, businesses targeting customers. When you guest post, this allows for increased expertise and a trickle of traffic back to your site. You get indirect exposure, while the host site benefits from providing fresh content to its audience.

Also, target SEO through Guest Posting. Backlinks are really valuable for search engines, and guest posting gives you high-quality, backlinks from authoritative sites. But it is also important to write the content on similar niche and authority websites (guest posting can get you in trouble, stay tuned).

Why is Guest Posting Important?

Guest posting has the following advantages and, therefore, it is a perfect change for everyone who wants to receive more visitors. First, it helps in getting to more people. People who have not visited your site before can be reached out to through other social forums you type in.

Why is Guest Posting Important?

Second, guest posting helps increase your credibility to the readers of the website or blog on which you are publishing an article. Sharing your content of articles on reputable websites gives the audience the impression of an expert in the area of specialization. This can create opportunities like getting business partners or giving speeches or any other form of public engagements.

Finally, guest posting helps in enhancing the website’s ranking in the search engine results. The process of obtaining backlinks is Critical for the Overall Rankings of a site; hence it is required to obtain quality backlinks. With guest posting, one is able to develop these links organically thus improving the authority of your site.

5 Effective Ways to Guest Post

Armed with this knowledge about guest posting, it is time to look at the five effective strategies in the guest posting service.

  • Find Relevant Blogs in Your Niche: The first thing every guest posting marketer or website owner needs to know is the type of sites to go for. It is recommended to target blogs that are related to the targeted niche and that targets the same audience. For example, relevance is important because it makes sure that the content that you are posting on the blog is something that will interest the blog’s readers. In this case, you need to search for guest posting opportunities in sites that you have come across on search engine sites. You can use phrases such as ‘write for us,’ ‘guest blog,’ ‘contribute’ or ‘submitting guest posts’ with your niche keyword. Other good sources of guest blogging ideas are social networking sites and groups and communities online.
  • Build Relationships with Blog Owners: Generally before proposing your guest post idea, you should try to be friendly with the person behind the blog. Firstly, therefore, interact with it in one way or the other. Things like leaving positive comments, sharing their posts and articles on the social platforms and then proceed to join their conversations. It also enables you to create rapport with the owner of the blog that will increase the chances of your guest post submission being accepted. They also have the potential of opening up other chances in the future especially when it comes to developing and strengthening relationships.
  • Create High-Quality Content: It should also be noted that the quality wins where guest posting is concerned. In as much as your guest post should be informative, it is always advisable to ensure that you do a lot of research on the subject matter to ensure that your post is very interesting to readers. Always give the readers something they can take away from it while at the same time instilling your authority on the subject matter. Upon posting your piece, make a check through the blog to see if it meets the content and style checker. Ensure that when you are making a post, it reflects the tone of the blog and should offer information that has not been given before. Quality of your content is the key that dictates whether the blog readership will accept it and share with other people.
  • Follow the Blog’s Guidelines: Each and every blog is different and has certain rules for guest postings. Such guidelines normally contain instructions of form and style, length and subject matters. You should follow these guidelines to the letter to maximize your probability of having the post approved. The failure to adhere to the laid down procedures may lead to your submission being tossed out. In writing your guest post, make sure you read the guidelines very well and follow all that is recommended. This is considered as professionalism and enough respect for the owner of the blog taking into account their precious time.
  • Promote Your Guest Post: after your guest post is live don’t just wait for the traffic to come pouring in. Share the link to your post, in social networks, mailing list, or any other possible platform. Ideally, the seconds many people can view your article, the better the outcomes for the host and guest blog. Proposing your guest post also helps in marketing it and at the same time gives the blog owner an impression that you are willing to make the collaboration productive. This can result in more invitations for guest posting in future.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Guest Posting

Guest posting is highly effective but there are a number of mistakes that you could make with it. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid, Here are a few common mistakes to avoid:

  • Choosing irrelevant blogs:  It is advisable to target the right blogs that are within your niche. To post on an unrelated blog; Not only is it time consuming and inexpedient, it also undermines your message and distorts your credibility.
  • Submitting low-quality content: First is quantity over quality: The emphasis should always be on quality, not quantity. You need to make sure that you avoid posting articles that are written in a poor quality or are copied from somewhere else since they will not only not appeal to the readers but will also harm your SEO.
  • Ignoring the blog’s audience: Remember to write what the readers of the blog would want to read or would be interested in reading. In this way, one needs to know their needs, their preferences and come up with content that would be of value to them.
  • Not following up: This is something that you should do after your post has been published. You should then proceed to leave a comment that is generally in the form of thanking the blog owner. If you have built a quality relationship then you will find more business with that individual.

The Long-Term Benefits of Guest Posting

In this regard, guest posting is not a one and done process either. What are the advantages of guest posting? Such a scenario can be endurance. You will also continue to attract and submit guest posts to authoritative blogs in your industry so that you build up contacts. This can create more opportunities including negotiating with other companies for partnerships as well as formation of other related business joint mergers.

Third and finally, backlinks which are earned through guest blogging would help your SEO for an extended period. The more your site gains authority the rankings improve and you get more organic traffic to your site.


Commonly used by bloggers, guest posting has proven to be a useful tool for anyone who wishes to get more recognition, credibility and better SEO. Using the five effective ways of guest posting explained here, you can easily develop a proper guest posting plan that will yield good results.

So always remember that guest posting is all about quality, relevance and about building good business relations. With this, you will get exposure to your niche while at the same time creating a database of followers who consider you an authority in your niche. Therefore, it is about time you began pitching for guest posting opportunities today and see your reputation soar.

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